Luis Carlos Moreno Aguila
Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic
President in Office period 2020 - 2022
Panamanian Association of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Plastic Surgery
National Secretary for Panama before ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic Plastic Surgery)
Name: Luis Carlos Moreno Aguila
Date of birth: November 16, 1956, Panama, Republic of Panama.
Offices: Consultorios Médicos Paitilla, 4 Piso, office No. 418.
Applied studies:
Primary studies: Pan American Institute Certificate of Primary Studies 1968
Secondary studies: La Salle College First Cycle Certificate Chartered accountant, Bachelor of Science and Letters December 1974
University studies: Faculty of Medicine- National University of Panama Doctor of Medicine September 1981
Postgraduate Studies: Municipality of the City of Buenos Aires
General Hospital of Acute Dr. José Maria Ramos Mejia
Title: Plastic, Reconstructive and Maxillofacial Surgery April 1989
Craniofacial Surgery Course Sentara Hospital of Norfolk Virginia 1992 and 1993
Professional experience
Paitilla Medical Center - Emergency Room Emergency physician 1983-1984.
Social Security Fund San Francisco Polyclinic - General Physician 1984-1985
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon Ad Honorem - Children's Hospital from 1990 to 1993.
Social Security Fund- Medical Specialist Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery from 1989 to 2007. Metropolitan Hospital Complex Dr. Arnulfo Arias Madrid.
Head of the Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Service of the Metropolitan Hospital Complex of the Social Security Fund from Nov. 2004 to July 2007.
Consultorios Medicos Paitilla — Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon from 1989 to date.
Organizations to which it belongs:
Member of the Medical Corps of the Paitilla Medical Center
Member of the Panamanian Association of Plastic, Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery
Member of the International Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery Society (IPRAS)
Member of the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
International Member of the American Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons (ASPS)
Member of the International Society of Plastic Surgery (ISAPS)
Other Groups.
Founding Partner Club Leo de Panamá 1974
Life Member of the Leo Club of Panama.
President of the First International Meeting of Leos Clubs Panama 1981
Second General Coordinator of the II International Congress of Medical Students of Panama.- 1979
Member of the Lions Club of Panama from 1982 to the present
Founder member and National Coordinating Physician of the Panama Smile Operation Program, from 1991 to February 1997
Trustee of the Operation Smile Foundation from 1993 to 1999.
Delegate Representative of Central America of the International Smile Operation Program, and speaker before the NGO Commission of the United Nations 1994.
Treasurer of the Board of Directors of the Panamanian Association of Plastic Surgery from 1989 to 1995
President of the Banco de Ojos Club de Leones de Panama, of 1995 to 1998
Organizer and First Director of the Ambulatory Surgery Unit of the San Francisco Polyclinic.
President of the Panamanian Association of Plastic , Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery from January 2008 to December 2010.
Treasurer of the XVIII Congress of the Ibero-Latin American Federation of Plastic Surgery (FILACP) held in Panama from June 8 to 12, 2010.
National Secretary ISAPS (International Society of Aesthetic and Plastic Surgery) for Panama. Since August 2017.