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Cirugía Estética de la Mama por el Doctor Luis C. Moreno

Aesthetic Breast Surgery

By Doctor Luis Carlos Moreno Águila

Cosmetic breast surgery is one of the most performed plastic surgery surgical procedures in the world.

Cosmetic breast surgery is one of the most performed plastic surgery surgical procedures in the world.

The aesthetic procedures in the breast can be of increase that is the one used when the breast is small and you want to give it greater volume and better shape.

Breast reduction is when the breast is excessively large and causes discomfort in the patient such as: back pain and shoulder pain.

And mastopexy surgery, which is simply lifting the breast that has fallen after pregnancy and lactation or very large breasts that fall due to their excessive weight.

Cosmetic breast surgery is a procedure that is exclusive to the plastic surgeon because this type of treatment requires special training.

Each treatment of the breast must be adapted to the patient since each patient may have different results, for example, a small breast, but it has a normal or poorly formed development. There may also be symmetries that must be corrected. That is why each aesthetic treatment of the breast must be personalized after a physical evaluation is made in order to establish an adequate treatment plan.

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