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The word laser is an acronym that means Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation).
The word laser is an acronym that means Light Amplified by Stimulated Emission of Radiation (Light amplified by stimulated emission of radiation). A laser is basically a source of light. What differentiates a laser from other light sources, such as bulbs, is the physical mechanism by which the emission of light is produced, which is based on the stimulated emission, as opposed to the spontaneous emission that is responsible for the most of the light we see.
The main characteristic of a laser is its directionality, that is, the beam is concentrated and straight. The laser differs by its wavelength and its intensity. In medicine the laser beam is used to cut, cauterize tissues, and there is also the therapeutic laser and in physiotherapy.
There are different types of lasers that differ fundamentally in the active environment where the light emission is generated. So we have the CO2 laser, the Neodymium laser: yag (NdYag), the Alexandrite laser, the diode laser and the IPL (intense pulsed light).
Each type of laser emits a certain wavelength, which influences the penetration of the laser and the selectivity for a certain type of chromophore or target where it acts.
There are lasers for hair removal, for treatment of vascular lesions, for the treatment of spots or pigmentation, for tattoos. They are also used for treatments such as facial resurfacing (peeling type), vascular spot treatments, for acne, to stimulate collagen, for stretch marks and for lipolysis or destruction of body fat.
The use of lasers of any type requires that the one who applies the treatment has specialized training since if it is misused, it can cause significant aesthetic consequences.